Our Services

Anal Gland Checks/ Expression

Internal Checking / Clearing of the anal glands (Canine / Feline )

Check $10.00 SM $20 MD $30 LG $40

Blood Glucose Monitoring

Blood Sugar Check (Canine / Feline)


Brush out (Basic)

Brushing service to eliminate excess hair (Price varies depending on pet size/hair type)


Dental Brushing

Single dental brushing session or Show and tell

Show and tell $10 Single Session $15

Drop-in visit

Single service to check on pets inside their home, let out for a potty break, feed or clean litterbox (if owner is away)


Drop-in Medical visit

Single service may need medication at a certain time of day (if owner is away)


Ear Flush

Single Bilateral Deep Ear Cleaning


Feline Shave Down

Feline Shave down / lion-cuts (full body shave)

Basic $100.00 < Severe $150.00

Feline Carrier Assistance

Assisting owners to put their feline in their carrier

1st pet $20.00 Additional pet(s) $18.00

Mat Removal (Single-Moderate)

Simple mats removed by Clippers or hand removal (depending on severity, we may recommend Shave down)

Small mats- $15 < Moderate/extreme $50

Medication Administration

Over the counter or Prescription medication given orally or subcutaneously ( price includes technician visit fee)

1st pet $20 Additional pet(s) $12

Microchip Implantation

A tiny responder implanted beneath your pet’s skin (between shoulder blades) that has a unique identification number, which will be assigned to each pet.


Nail Dremel

Shortens nail length with smooth round edges

1st pet $23.00 Additional pet(s) $21.00

Nail Trim

Traditional, shortens nail length

1st pet $23.00 Additional pet(s) $21.00

Sanitary Trim (Mini- Large)

Fur trimming between paw pads and private regions

Mini $10 SM $25.00 MD $35.00 LG $45.00

Soft Paws Application

Soft coated nail caps for cats (includes a nail trim)

2 paws $39.00 4 Paws $59.00

Subcutaneous Fluid Administration

Rehydration session. (Fluid bag/ line must be provided by your primary veterinarian)

Single Session or Show and tell $28.00

Syringe/Tube Feeding

All syringes and equipment must be provided by you or by your veterinarian

1st pet $38.00 Additional pet(s) $35.00

Technician Visit

Wellness check-in or unable to perform services


Urine Catch

Help owners collect urine for veterinarian analysis


Urinalysis Dipstick Test

Checks for possible urinary tract infections in canines and felines


Advanced Technician Fee

Additional fee for Pet(s) that need an additional technician for assistance or a more complex appointment that will need a high-level technician


Cancellation Fee (Per Pet)

All cancellations must be notified with a minimum of 24-hour notice. Failure to notify will be subject to a per pet penalty


Emergency Technician Visit

Last minute, time sensitive case (this is an additional charge on-top of service provided)


Fuel Surcharge

Additional Fee to cover fuel expenses for travel (added to every invoice/bill per appointment)


No Show/Missed Appointment Fee

(Per Pet)

No show/Missed scheduled appointment fee - per pet


Holiday Fee/ After Hours Fee

Charged additionally to each visit during outside business hours or National Holidays


Travel Fee

Additional fee 20 miles + from “home base”


Please note that each invoice, bill, or estimate will include a Fuel Surcharge Fee and CT Tax as part of the finalized prices for the service(s). This will align our pricing structure with industry standards and cost considerations. Thank You!